II am so sorry GoneAOL. This is the point that Trey Bundy has been trying to bring home in his report on Revile from NPR.
I know many on this board feel it's an uphill battle that has little chance of changing the WT policy, or as one poster so elegantly put it over the weekend, what is in the news today is paper for bird's to poop on tomorrow, only this poster uses swear words to drive home his point, you know the saying small mind's can't think of any other word's. He brought out that no one cares about the JW'S, it's not like the Catholic or Scouts.
But see it is worse because JW's send their child molesters to people's home's unlike the Catholic's. Which point Trey Bundy brings out in his report.
I know this poster went wild at me calling me all kinds of name's, mocking me, telling me I was crazy.
But how many more stories like this do we have to hear before as this poster said, people quite using the articles for bird poop and say enough.